Dust Mites vs Bed Bugs: Picture, Identification & Treatment

If you want to know the comparison between bed bugs and dust mites then here is some information you need to know.

Quick answer:

Bed bugs are insects that feed only on human blood. But bed bugs do not carry any kind of disease with them. While dust mites are very small insects that feed on the dead skin of humans and animals. These insects can spread an allergy called dust allergy.

Dust Mites vs Bed Bugs

Many people unfamiliar with bed bugs get confused between bed bugs and dust mites. And that is why we have created this informative post that includes all the information you need about dust mites vs bed bugs.

But let’s start with

Dust Mites And Bed Bugs Pictures

Here is a picture of bed bugs and dust mites side by side.

bed bugs vs dust mite picture

Bed Bugs Vs Dust Mites In Tabular Format

This is the comparison table for bed bugs and dust mites.

Bed BugsDust Mites
OverviewBed bugs are small red insects most suck blood from the host (Humans & Animals)Dust Mites are micro insects that feed on dead skin.
SizeThe size of bed bug is almost a size of an apple seed. A nymph size is 1.5 mmA dust mite measures only about one-quarter to one-third of a millimeter. They are too small to see with your eyes alone.
ColorBed bugs are red their nymphs are white.The color of dust mites is creamy white
DiseaseNo DiseaseThey can spread dust mite allergy
SymptomsBed bugs’ eggs, fences, shells, and bites at the night.Sneezing, Runny nose
Itchy, red, or watery eyes, Nasal congestion
Itchy nose, the roof of the mouth, or throat.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small red bugs that only suck blood. They penetrate the skin of their host with a needle-shaped mouthpart to suck blood.

These worms cannot survive on anything other than blood.

this is bed bug

Bed bugs don’t fly, but they can move quickly on floors, walls, and ceilings. Female bed bugs can lay hundreds of eggs in their lifetime, each about the size of a dust mite.

Other names for bed bugs are Cimex lectularius and C. hemipterus.

These insects are white in color when they are newborns. Nymphs are very active and may bite their hosts as soon as they are born. Also, some people think that these little white bugs are invisible. As a result, people mistake these bugs for dust mites.

What Are Dust Mites?

Every household has dust mites, which are very tiny insects. The naked eye cannot see them because they are only a few microns in size.

dust mites

The house dust mite can be either the American house dust mite, known as Dermatophagides finnae Hughes or the European house dust mite, known as Dermatophagides pteronicinus.

Only a microscope can detect dust particles, which are only 420 microns long. A dust mite looks like a tiny spider when magnified under a microscope.

House dust, bird’s nests, and even bee hives can contain dust mites. Humidity is sensitive to them, and they usually die when the relative humidity is below 60%.

Humans regularly shed their skin, which is eaten by dust mites. Specifically, humans are the hosts of these small arachnids, which are parasites.

Are Bed Bugs Attracted To Dust?

Bed bugs are primarily attracted to hosts (animals, humans). They will do anything to stay close to their host. There have been studies that show that bed bugs can live on your floor if they have easy access to you.

bed bugs can live in dusty places even though they are not attracted to dust. If you observe any place where bed bugs are present, you will see that most of them are dirty places.

For example bed frame, corner, and footer.

All these places are surrounded by dust particles. But bed bugs lay eggs only in places where there is very little dust because these insects use a special liquid to stick their eggs to the surface.

And dusty surfaces will make it difficult for these insects to lay their eggs.

Can Dust Mites Live In Your Bed?

Can Dust Mites Live In Your Bed

Yes, dust mites can live comfortably on your bed, as it is the best place for these mites. This is because your bed is the best place where these dust mites can find millions of dead skin cells that they feed on.

These mites can also live on your pillows and even blankets.

H ow Do I Know If I Have Bed Bugs or Dust Mites?

Dust mites and bed bugs are insects that are mostly found in bed. Some people find it difficult to determine whether they have bed bugs or dust mites. However, it’s very easy to tell the difference between a bed bugs infestation and dust mites. Here are some clues that can help you identify these nasty insects.

Bed bugs are nocturnal insects which means they avoid light. This is the reason why these insects always find a place that is dark and hidden but close to humans.

The following are some signs that you may have bed bugs.

Bed Bugs Eggs

Bed bugs lay eggs on surfaces such as wood and fabric. The eggs are very small, even smaller than bed bug nymphs.

Bed bug eggs look like rice under a microscope. Since the shape and color are similar to those of rice. These eggs are mostly in clusters as a female bed bug can lay up to 5 to 7 eggs per day.

These eggs are usually found in the crevices and corners of the bed. Also, they are present at the ends of your mattress and pillows.

Bed Bug Shells

People believe that bed bugs lose their skin, and they are partly right.

There are five stages of bed bugs. And, in all first four stages, these insects grow and shed their shells. After adulthood, bed bugs neither grow nor shed their skin.

Typically, these shells are found in isolated places, such as deep crevices in furniture.

Bed Bug Feces

The first thing you’ll notice if you have bed bugs is black spots in the corners or crevices of your furniture. These black feces are more visible than bed bugs and their eggs. In addition, they are clues that bed bugs are present in the surrounding area.

Identification Of Dust Mites

Dust mites are smaller than bed bug eggs. A microscope is needed to see these mites. Therefore, it is almost impossible to identify dust mites.

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy, red, or watery eyes
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy nose, the roof of the mouth, or throat
  • Postnasal drip
  • Cough
  • Facial pressure and pain
  • Swollen, blue-colored skin under your eyes
  • In a child, frequent upward rubbing of the nose

Read more about dust mites allergy

How Long Can Bed Bugs And Dust Mites Can Live In A House?

Bed bugs increase their population daily as female bed bugs lay up to 500 eggs in their lifetime. These insects do only three things in their day. Mating, laying eggs, and sucking blood from their host.

how long can bed bugs and dust mites can stay in your house

These insects are very difficult to control because of their rapidly growing popularity.

Also, if you think you can control bed bugs by keeping them off your furniture and rooms for a few months, you are wrong. Because these pests can survive for about a year in an empty space without a host.

However, dust mites can be found anywhere, including mattresses, carpeted areas, lounges, and furniture.

In most cases, the life span of a dust mite is 10–30 days.

However, depending on environmental and moisture conditions the female can live up to 70 days and lay hundreds of eggs.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs and Dust Mites?

How Long Can Bed Bugs And Dust Mites Can Live In A House

To prevent these networks from spreading infection, especially bed bugs, some steps need to be taken. Also, these insects can multiply rapidly and breed in places like your bathroom, kitchen, and even your vehicle.

If you think you can control bed bug infestation, you are wrong. To be honest, handling these insects is very difficult. But there are some DIYs that can help you get rid of bedbugs and dust mites.

First of all spraying chemicals. There are many sprays on the market that guarantee to kill bed bugs or dust mites.

Some of the treatments for bedbugs are as follows:

ZEVO:- Does ZEVO kill bed bugs?

RAID:- Does RAID work on bed bugs?

There is another DIY solution and that is collecting all the bed bugs with a vacuum cleaner. As everyone knows bed bugs mostly live in your furniture and bedding. I think it’s a good idea to vacuum up all the bed bugs with a high-quality vacuum cleaner.

Also, it is a valuable tool to collect all dust particles. Since dust mites are usually present on your bedding and pillows, a vacuum cleaner will collect all the tiny dust mites inside the bedding.

Note:- For added safety, throw the disposal in an outdoor dustbin.

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