Bed bugs are excellent hiders. It can be hard to find them if they hide between your waterbed mattress and foundation during inspections.
I know how you are thinking, “Can bed bugs live in waterbeds?”
Bed bugs can infest waterbeds as their site of infestation. They can live in corners and around the frame of a waterbed. But, these insects cannot live inside your waterbed because they cannot dig a hole inside soft polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or any material.
They can also infest your sheets and other beddings. Bed bugs are good crawlers; They can walk on any surface, and if your waterbed is covered with a fiber cover, it will be easier for them to crawl and nest.
Are Bed Bugs Attracted To Waterbed

Waterbeds are suitable for bed bugs. The temperature in a water bed is almost the same as that of the human body.
The waterbed also provides a good food source as individuals spend extended periods on their mattresses.
Bed bugs will return to your bed again and again whenever they notice that you spend long hours on your water mattress. Whenever you sleep, you release your body heat, and your mattress absorbs that body heat which makes your water bed more comfortable for these insects.
Although hot spots attract these insects, many other factors attract bed bugs to your watershed, such as:
Carbon Dioxide
Bed bugs are attracted to carbon dioxide, which is why they tend to gather around your head and face when you’re sleeping.
People emit large amounts of carbon dioxide when a person sleeps, attracting these bugs at night. Carbon dioxide is also one of the reasons why they usually bite at night.
However, these insects can smell this gas-only up to a distance of 10 to 50 meters. Not only bed bugs but other insects like mosquitoes are also attracted to carbon dioxide.
Waterbeds With Storage
Waterbeds with storage compartments provide the perfect breeding ground for bed bugs. The bugs can easily hide in the crevices and cracks and then come out at night to bite you.
Many people keep drawers or closets next to their bed, giving these bugs other surfaces to hide and lay eggs on.
The same thing has been said for the bed frame as well. For example, insects can hide in corners, behind, or even at the foot of a bed.
The more hiding places a bed bug finds, the more they can infest.
Body Heat

One of the ways bed bugs find their host is through thermal heat, which is also known as body heat.
As they are attracted to heat, they might also get attracted to your waterbed because people fill their mattresses with little warm water.
Also, in addition, many people use waterbed with water heater. That makes these bugs more attracted to your bed.
Can Bed Bugs Survive In Waterbeds?
Bed bugs can live in a waterbed, and it is easy for them to survive there. As bed bugs need only one thing to survive “blood” and “places to lay eggs. “
They thrive in areas where they can easily hide and find a blood meal.
Waterbeds offer all of these things. They provide a dark, moist environment perfect for bed bugs to hide.
However, these insects can only be infested around mattresses because their bodies are not made to dig any surface, so it will be impossible to get inside.
They also maintain a relatively stable temperature, which is necessary for the bugs to survive. And finally, waterbeds provide a significant source of food (blood) for the bed bugs to feed on.
These factors make waterbeds a perfect place for bed bugs to live and multiply.
If you have a waterbed, it is essential to be aware of the risk of bed bug infestation and take steps to prevent it.
You can do this by regularly checking your bed for signs of these bugs.
How To Find Bed bugs In Your Water Bed?
If you think you may have bed bugs in your waterbed, there are a few things you can do to check for them.
The first step is to look for signs of the bugs themselves. Bed bugs are small and oval-shaped, and they typically range in color from light brown to reddish-brown.
It would help if you searched for the following signs:-
Black Feces Spots

Bed only do tree tasks in their lifespan, mating sucking blood, and pooping around the infestation zone. These spots are black, and they can be found on any surface where these insects live.
Since waterbeds provide enough hiding places for the bugs, you should check all around your bed for their feces spots.
If you find feces on or near your water bed, it means that the bed bugs are infesting your water mattress.
Also, with the help of these feces, bed bugs track their infected zones and try to reinfest.
Bed Bugs Eggs

Bed bugs can lay anywhere from one to twelve eggs each day. The eggs are white, soft, and pretty small, only about the size of a dust particle.
They look like a rice grain if you zoom in with the help of your smartphone camera.
You can find them on or around the bed frame, underside or at the corner of the mattress, or on any other surface on which the bugs have been crawling through during their blood meals.
The eggs hatch within ten days and the newly hatched bed bugs will go through five molting stages before they reach maturity.
Dead Bed Bugs Shell
If these insects have infested your bed, the one thing that you can find is dead bed bugs shells. You will see some skin or off-yellow color bugs whenever you search for these bugs.
Sometimes people think of these dead bed bugs as alive.
Dead bed bugs can be a sign of post-infestation. These shells can also indicate that the place is good for re-infestation to other living bed bugs.
How Bed Bugs Get Into your Waterbed
Bed bugs get into your bed from infested clothes that you wore or other furniture like couches.
They can get into water beds the same way they enter any other type of furniture.
Bed bugs can move from one place to another, hiding from a person’s clothing or belongings.
You can also get these insects from hotels, movie theaters, or buses and trains.
How To Avoid These Bugs From Your Waterbed?
Avoiding bed bugs in your waterbed is relatively easy if you follow these steps:-
Protect Yourself
The most important thing you can do is to protect yourself when traveling. Let’s say you are going on a trip.
So the first thing you do when checking into a hotel has inspected the bed before unpacking your belongings.
Once settled, place your belongings on a high place such as a stand or rack away from the floor and wall. This will reduce the chances of bed bugs getting inside your luggage.
Also, you should protect your clothing from these bugs, as they are attracted to human scents.
Use your vacuum cleaner on the corner and other places where you have suspect bed bugs may hide.
The suction of a vacuum cleaner can quickly catch all insects and their eggs from all infestation areas.
But after using the cleaner, throw the bag in the dustbin so that these insects cannot come back to your home.
Washing & Cleaning
Bed bugs can also infect your pillow. One of the most usual places they can hide is in your pillows. Washing all your pillows, covers, and bedsheets will prevent bed bugs from spreading.
They are always hidden inside your pillow. So if you want to find bed bugs in your pillow, you should first check the piping and stitch gaps.
Also, you can clean your bedhead, footer, and frame with a hot wash and a brush.
While cleaning your bed, you must brush all the feces spots, eggs, and dead bed bugs. So that living bugs will not reinfest those places.
Drying All Beddings
If you have a tumble dryer, use it on high heat for at least 30 minutes to ensure any bed bugs are killed.
If you don’t have a tumble dryer, you can leave your bed outside on hot days.
However, make sure it is scorched before putting it back on your bed. This will ensure any live bugs are killed and will not reinfest your bedding.
Sealing Gaps, Cracks, and Holes
It is also essential to seal any gaps or holes around your bed with plasterboard, paint, or silicone.
This should help prevent new bugs from entering your bedhead, footer, and frame. Even a small gap or crack can lead to bed bugs infestation.
If you think you may have a bed bug infestation that you cannot control, it is essential to seek professional help.
A pest control specialist will identify the bugs and recommend the best course of action for getting rid of them.
Now you know bed bugs are easily live on your waterbed. But fortunately, in this article, I also mentioned some tested tricks to get rid of these insects from your waterbed and other beddings. But in my eyes, the best way to eliminate these insects in calling a professional. Since these insects can multiply, their populations make it difficult for a newbie to fighting against them.
So that it is for today if you like our article “bed bugs in waterbed” Then please let us know by your comments.
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Hey, I am Chetan Kumar and I have a deep knowledge of bed bugs, flies, rats, roaches, and other notorious pests. So I thought let me help all of you so I created this amazing website called If you like this website, let me know with your comments. Till then enjoy…
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